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Article in Roslagens Sparbank's publication
Report in Norrtelje Tidning
Isak Storm, producer at Norrtälje municipality
“Absolutely spellbinding, heartbreaking, breathtaking and endlessly beautiful. Don't miss this chance to fill your soul and heart with wonder and warmth!”
Moa Killander, performing artist
"It was a very nice experience. So sparse and beautiful, and yet grand. The acrobat was absolutely incomparable. Sometimes she did things that took your breath away. Interesting to rest your eyes on this acrobat while there was tender and sparse poetic music and words. Really a show to my liking."
Kim Alge, producer
“An absolutely brilliant performance that touched me on so many levels.
The words, the music and the acrobatics became a whole that touched me enormously. Tears and joy and fascination had to coexist at the same time. Absolutely magical. Magnificent production and effort by all involved. "
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